Friday, July 17, 2009

Lessons Learned

Ground beef. Potatoes. Onions. Apples. Oranges. Rolls. Green beans...these are all the things that make me jealous of other people.

I never thought that I could get to the point in my life where I would be jealous of other people having food. Sometimes, I will walk into rehearsal and people will have dinner made from their parents or partner or siblings or friends...and I'm just like...I live off saltine crackers and Kroger Mac n' Cheese.

I know college is "supposed" to be crappy...but I mean...I would love the taste of real food again. I haven't had it for full month. Man, I am complaining out the wazoo...sorry folks.

I guess this is the lesson that I have learned: to love and appreciate the things that I used to have/currently have.

I think I took my old job for granted. I think I took my car for granted. I think I took money for granted. It took one crappy month of shiz in Canada, losing a job, going on Church welfare, and continuous mooching off friends and family to realize this.

I hope that I will be able to have a greater respect for money when this is all over. I have a job right now. I work the sales floor at Old Navy in American Fork. I really like it. The only problem is, it's really far from where I live. But at least I have something.

I hope that I will be able to focus on school this next semester. I want to get better grades and I really want to be accepted into the film program, something that I did not focus enough time on last semester.

But this next semester, everything will be better.


The Reinerts said...

Next semester will be better Andy!!! Plus, you will get all new friends to mooch off of!!! I love you Andy!!!! I am thinking about you! And if you need anything just ask!!!

Mrs. Potts said...

Just so ya know, I have been planning to give you all our leftover food when we move in 2 weeks. We'll have to get together so I can get our movie back from you and then you can take whatever food you want from us - we won't be taking it. Love you!

Alicia said...

I remember living off of canned spinach and tater tots. Between that and marching band, I lost some weight. And then I got married. And the weight came back. And then I had children. And the weight is here to stay.

But I'm getting off track. I really do feel for you. You could, like, send me your address so I could send you something spesh. You know, if you, like, want...
I make a mean package. Serious.